Hey there Style Tribe, I hope you have been great!? Today, I would like to talk to you about understanding your body type and dressing right for your body type. As people differ, so are body types distinct, and it is important to understand yours to dress right! You may think, why is it necessary that I know my body? Here it is, think about those times you got excited about certain clothes and the time spent trying them on while shopping, only to find out that they do not fit right or look as you had imagined. There are plenty of factors to consider when getting dressed however, dressing right for your body type, and accentuating your best features are very important, so whether you want to show off your curves, highlight your legs or draw attention to your upper body, they are certain outfits designed to help do these. Identifying these pieces and making sure they suit your personal style can be quite tasking, Owing to the fact that they are so many shapes, silhouettes, and e...