
Showing posts with the label living room


I have worked so much and done so many things this summer I once again have some 5000 pics and 500 blogposts I will not manage to ever actually write. But meanwhile here are three, or; make it four awesome things right now-  wine, a vintage maxi dress, our living room, and just having finished a job and not having to do anything for the moment. Enjoy the summer sun or hang in there with the heat wave, whichever way you feel about it.


Now as the sun has returned to our hemisphere it's time to show the plants some love, re-pot and take care of them after the winter darkness. This year I -finally- got a couple of plant lamps to help my green inhabitants survive the dark months better. I somewhere read a comparison of the amount of light, and it is ridiculously low here in winter (from some 100 000 lux on a summer's day to just 500 during the darkest period), which is of course pretty obvious if you live here, but to see the actual numbers on paper is pretty describing as well. So now it's time for bigger pots for some, new soil and other care taking. I have always liked to decorate with plants, especially to make a room nicer when it is still waiting for a touch up or renovation, as is the case with our living room downstairs. We finally got the most important parts renovated, like upstairs  ( or: most of it, still some left...), and then the two-year-box-labyrinth-hell that was our former city flat clean...