
Showing posts with the label ajatuksia


We are in the year 2020 and that means a third decade of keeping this blog has started.  It sounds like a lot, perhaps like more years than it actually is, but nevertheless that is the case. During these years the internet has changed, of course. Blogging has changed. And  I have changed - would be rather terrifying if I hadn't. My first very first blogpost was about my 26th birthday and I will be 40 next year. The past years I have not had the same time to blog - as someone might have noticed (but not the 3746 spambots that happily keep on commenting about escorts and digital marketing) - but in moments blogging also felt too trivial, with all that has been going on in the world and society. I feel those who still hard core blog are so branded it's mainly just about sponsorship and product placement and I get it - blogging takes time and time is, after a certain amount of it at least, money. I am busy running businesses; both the studio and the showbiz and some kind of brand o


In today's hectic life and it's social media climate, where you don't always have the time to sit down and read the paper properly but still have the time to scroll, and a lot of what the news feed feeds you is articles ("articles") that seem to just consist of screenshots of how people commented on something on twitter, I have come to appreciate a well written article even more than before, and the chance to get a moment to sit down and read something un-interrupted. Also, I should learn to make shorter sentences. Many people are having a holiday this weekend, and here is some recommended reading to accompany your Easter flowers, chocolate eggs and wine (well, that is what I am having at least). These are two different stories but they share a common theme - the migration of peole, but foremost: putting a name on a number in the statistics, a backstory behind a short mention in an article, or a story to someone with no mention anywhere at all.  So I give you one